Friday, April 11, 2008


My Son Izaac at 9 practicing Sera Silat. He is now 11. I can not wait to see him at 20! Yikes

Here is a bit from my SILAT NEWS LETTER


The Dobles Institute News:
Silat Tip 31: Ask Yourself These Questions...

Here is what I want you to do.
Answer the questions below, and then save it, and in a year re-open this page and then re-answer the questions to see if you have made achievements, improvements, or to see if you have become. Be Honest with yourself!
Ask yourself a few questions....
What do you want from your training?
What are you currently lacking and need work on in terms of your training?
Are you as comfortable with your SILAT on the ground, lying on your back, on your side, sitting down, kneeling as you are standing?
Are you capable with a blade? A stick? A staff? a Machete? A sarong or flexible weapon? A gun? Are you good at weapon retention? Weapon deploy? Weapon disarms?
How is your ability to get into and out of locks? Dissolve locks?
Everyone is good with a knife of a gun but few can get them out in time. Start training the deploy of a gun or knife.
Are you content with your physical ability?
Are you rooted?
Are you centered physically?
Are you centered emotionally?
Are you content with your mental ability?
Can you train them both harder?
Are you comfortable with dealing with more than one attacker if you had to?
What are your strong point in your training?
What are you weak points?
What do you plan to do to improve what needs to be improved?
Can you find a new way to do something old?
Can you find a new way to look or analyze something old?
Do you know your jurus?
How can the motions be used to Hit, Dissolve energy, Break, lock, tear, displace balance, counter strikes, get out of locks?
Do you know the jurus out of sequence?
Do you know them backwards?
Do you know your Langkahs?
Do you know your jurus with a knife in your hand? What about a stick? or a chain or a sarong?
Are you comfortable with doing silat while you sit in a chair? In your car seat? While you walk?
Do you know your pressure points? How to use them for healing how to use them for hurting?
What are you doing to improve your circulation of your blood? Chi? Mind?
How is your breath control?
How is your flexibility? Are you stretching enough?
What are you doing to prevent getting sick?
What are you doing to age healthy?
Are you doing some form of yoga or Qi Gong or tenaga dalam?
How is your ability to Walk? Run? Swim?
How is your ability to climb over a wall? Or Climb over a fence?
How are your abilities to heal? What are you doing to improve this ability?
Can you smile naturally?
Can you sit and meditate at least for 5 min a day?
What if your life or your loved ones lives depended on your arts, your skills, your emotional control, your physical control, your ability to use a weapon, your ability to heal?
What are you afraid of?
What needs improvement in your life?
What motivates you in your training?
What centers you in your life?
Do you understand how the 5 elements work in combat & healing?
Are you looking at the "yin" and the "yang" sides of your training?
All the answers can be found in your training.
Be honest with yourself. Best wishes to you all!

Guru Santiago Dobles

The First Annual Dobles Institute Summer Boot Camp will be June 18-22.
You can learn more and reserve your spot here.

1 comment:

Mike 'Bwana' Blackgrave said...

Excellent post on self analysis...thanks bro