Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The teacher....


Gurus, Sifus, Senseis

If you have a good teacher he or she only cares about one thing,  making you better and wanting to see you become better all around not just in your "martial arts class".

I have come around many who have skill either as fighters or teachers or both but few are actually really good guides who can really make a difference in their students life and still have fighting and teaching skill.  

If your teacher just sees you as another number or dollar sign most likely you are not getting the proper education you are looking for in the MA world.  If your teacher at every class is making sure you are doing something better or corrects bad habits or leaves you with something to take home and work on  that is the teacher you keep.  

Its a 2 way street.  Without teacher there is no student without student there is no teacher.  Both learn from each other on some level.  

Key is to be "open" enough to understand what the lessons are and make the changes needed to keep growing.  

If you are a teacher and you find yourself where your students are getting very good and in some cases better than you, its your job and responsibility to point them in the best direction for them and also encourage them to start teaching if that is their path.  a lot of time the ego gets the most out of most teachers.  But one has to be honest and say does this person have it?  If so what can I do to make them even better even if that means i must send them to a better teacher if i can not make them any better?  How can I get them to that "have it" stage if they are not there yet?  All in its due time of course. But one thing i hate hearing about is teachers taking advantage of their students, seniors, etc and a teacher not allowing their best to leave the nest.  That causes damage in nature and guess what it does the same thing in the dojo, keun kendang etc.  

I honor and respect all my teachers.  They all taught me something. It was either how to be or how not to be.  So either way they all taught valuable lessons. 



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