Saturday, August 20, 2016

Maha Guru Richard Crabbe de Bordes Miami Fl ***September 9, 10, 11 2016 Intenisve Macan Hitam Pencak Silat Harimau MInangkabau Sumatran Silat Workshop

Maha Guru Richard Crabbe de Bordes's 7th annual Intensive Harimau Silat Workshop.

September 9, 10, 11 2016 Intenisve Macan Hitam Pencak Silat Harimau MInangkabau Sumatran Silat Workshop with Maha Guru Richard Crabbe de Bordes. Maha Guru will be covering the tactics of harimau for rapid dominance in close quarter combat both standing & on the Ground. Also he will be going further in the use of weapons in Harimau Minangkabau. Students will also have the opportunity to do their ranking evalutaions with Maha Guru. Evaluations is the best way to discover what needs improvement and what direction your Harimau is taking.  

You will be learning true combative uses of Kuda Kuda (Posture). You will also be learning Langkah (footwork) for Combative Dominance both standing and on the ground. You will also learn the Devistating Striking science to shock your opponent. And no Silat is complete without the blade. You will cover close quarter Blade work. This event will take your silat to the next level in your journey.

This seminar will working on true meaning of Harimau Minang Pencak Silat from the Hanafi lineage AD1610 in contemporary times, its combat application.
1. Using the Kuda Kuda as an effective combat maneuver vehicle.
2. The use of Teflon mode.
3. Used of Senjata as an extension of the empty hand
4. The power within

* Bring training blades.
* Bring water to hydrate.


Friday 7 - 10pm

Saturday 10am - 3pm

Sunday 10am - 3pm

Location: 10629 Hammocks blvd apt 618 Miami fl 33196

Members $50/day $150 all 3 days

Non Members $55/day $165 all 3 days

***Rank Evaluation Training: $50

Contact Guru Santiago Dobles to register & more information:
Sdobles @

Visit event info on Facebook. 

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